May 27, 2015

Chhattisgarh State Consultation on Nationalizing Sustainable Development Goals

21-22 February 2015, Raipur

More than 200 farmers and elected representatives of the local bodies participated in the Consultation on Nationalizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at Raipur organized by Chhattisgarh Krishak Biradari in collaboration with Beyond Copenhagen, Oxfam and Department of Irrigation, Government of Chhattisgarh. The Consultation also witnessed the participation of Sh Ajay Chandrakar, Mister Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Parliamentary Affairs, Tourism, Sh Amar Aggrawal, Minister Urban Administration, Sh Chandrashekhar Sahu, former Minister & MP, Sh SC Behar, former Chief Secretary, Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Rajlakshmi, Sr. Scientist from MSSRF, Sh Anand Sharma, Convener, Chhattisgarh Krishak Biradari.

The Consultation discussed the SDGs proposal of the Open Working Group. While it reflected on the proposal, it found it unambitious and incapable of providing sustainable and inclusive development. Lack of centrality of food security and sustainable agriculture, failure to acknowledge water as human rights, lack of focus on inequality, lack of emphasis on gender equality, and inadequate support to end food wastage, fossil fuel subsidy and subsidy to export oriented agriculture, prominence to the role of multinational corporations and big business without meaningful regulation, failure to see development from human rights perspective and inadequate global partnership and resources, were seen as main stumbling blocks in the success of the SDGs. The Consultation also reflected on the orientation of development in the country and the state. Lack of decentralized planning and role of people in the planning, unabated degradation and exploitation of the natural resources, inadequate support to farmers and agriculture, lack of dignity in agriculture, feminization of agriculture etc. were voiced as the main concerns.

The main outcome of the Consultation was to undertake climate change resilient planning in 100 villages/blocks by the participants and organizers with the support of the elected representatives of the local bodies (Municipal Bodies and Gram Panchayats) and state government.

Click Here to download complete report.


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